Kamis, 30 September 2010

Tony Curtis: 6/3/1925-9/30/2010

He was born on 6/3/1925 making Tony Curtis a Gemini. His Life Path number is 8 which is consistent with Gemini as Geminis are a double-bodied sign and the number 8 is also a twin in that its upper and lower halves mirror each other. His Expression number, which reveals one's character traits and is derived from one's name, is also an 8 which suggests that TC was a very accentuated bi- corporal personality. In fact, 'Tony' also corresponds to an 8.  The implication is his life  was wrought with duality. It just wasn't enough to focus on one thing at a time. Rather, he may have engaged in 2 careers or 2 romances simultaneously.  This makes sense when you look at TC's Karmic numbers, or missing numbers, which symbolize the necessity of having to perfect an imperfection from a previous lifetime. TC is missing a 4, 6 and an 8. Both the 4 and the 6 represent a sense of having both feet on the ground. They indicate balance and stability. 6 symbolizes domesticity and the home and TC, with his 6 marriages, certainly tried the best he could trying to get that part of his spiritual journey right! 8 represents things financial, but I don't think TC ever wanted for money. Perhaps he did off and on his career. I just don't know. If that were the case, the 8 makes sense, as any struggle with money would reflect his trying to resolve his ineffectual handling of finance in another lifetime.

Rabu, 29 September 2010

The 12 Signs of the Zodiac: Their Qualities and Elements Part 2

Part 1 looked at the Sun Sign's qualities and Part 2 will describe their elements.  Each Sun Sign is identified with one of the four classical elements which include water, fire, earth and air. Fire and air are considered positive or extrovert, masculine energy; while water and earth are considered negative, introvert, feminine energy.


1.  Fire Signs ( Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)  These are people with strong convictions and moral principles. They are virtuous and truthful. They possess a mental and moral rectitude and are not easily intimidated or thwarted by others.  As fire would suggest, they are passionate and warm. People are naturally drawn to them as they are charismatic and appealing. And they are spiritual in nature and enjoy a strong connection to the magical. Some astrologers suggest that those born under a fire sign are of a warrior mentality and temperament. That is, fearless and courageous in the face of insurmountable odds. However, be wary of crossing a fire sign as they can scorch the earth when betrayed.

2.  Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) As the name suggests, these signs are the most closely identified with the physical and material world.  They are happiest when dealing with the tangible and concrete. They enjoy the finer things in life e.g., art, jewelry and clothing. They are also most associated with finance and money. They abide by the rules of society and lean towards conventionality in conduct and behavior. They are not impulsive and think things through. Theirs is the realm of common sense and prudence.

3.  Air Signs ( Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) These are the intellects and communicators of the zodiac. They have a mastery of language and generally know something about everything. They're sociable and friendly and easy to get along with. They are curious about the world and go out of their way to learn about the unfamiliar and new. They're thinkers and rational. On the other hand, they can be self-critical and judge themselves harshly. Their standards are high and they need to temper their tendency to be critical of others.

4.  Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces)  They are the most benevolent and forgiving of the elements.  Their nature is charitable and kind. They are empathic and do good deeds. They often put others before themselves. They possess an emotional nature and their feelings are readily available to them. They must be careful not to be led by their emotions at the expense of their better judgement. The water signs can have their feeling easily hurt, but they do not harbor resentments as they see the good and not the bad in people.

Adapted from Wikipedia

Selasa, 28 September 2010

The 12 Signs of the Zodiac: Their Qualities and Elements Part 1

Pretty much everybody is familiar with the 12 Sun Signs of the Zodiac e.g., Leo, Gemini, Scorpio etc.  However, not everyone is aware that these same 12 signs are often classified by astrologers by their shared element, which represents their basic character, and by their quality, or how they tend to act and behave. 


 1.  Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

In  astrology, a "cardinal sign" symbolizes a shift in the temperate zone season when the Sun makes its annual passage into them.

The word "cardinal" derives from the Latin word for "hinge" as they demarcate that turning point in a temperate season. 

These are your action-oriented people. If there's a crisis, they take charge. Leaders and self-starters. Creative and original. Not easily intimidated. Dynamic.

2.  Mutable Signs:  Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

Astrologers often refer to these signs as the double-bodied signs and comprise an interesting subset of the zodiac. In addition to their actually representing 2 entities (with the exception of Virgo) these signs straddle 2 temperate zone seasons which only compounds the inherent duality in their nature.

In tropical zones, mutable signs coincide with their changes in the seasons. The mutables are identified with change and versatility. They are sympathetic, communicate well, adaptable and perceptive. Given their dual nature, they can easily see both sides of a situation. As their name suggests, they seek out novelty and change and become bored easily. However, if their energy becomes blocked or distorted, they can be nervous and anxious and irresponsible.

Given their "doubleness", they tend to have 2 things going at the same time be it romance or occupation.

3.  Fixed Signs:  Taurus, Leo,Scorpio and Aquarius

These signs are found at the height of the 4 seasons. As their name implies they are associated with strength and perseverance. Oft times they are accused of being inert, passive and inflexible which can be the case if their intentions are misguided. Although they are natural leaders and self-confident and loyal they can be stubborn with a tendency to become stuck and lose sight of the bigger picture. They possess a powerful ability to concentrate and they tend to direct their energies inward rather than out into the world.

adapted from Wikipedia

Senin, 27 September 2010

Love Is Blind: Sun Signs and Compatibility


March 21-April 20

Best Match.....Leo, Sagittarius
Poor Match.....Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aries


April 21-May 20

Best Match.....Virgo, Capricorn

Poor Match.....Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio


May 21- June 20

Best Match.....Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Poor Match.....Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces


June 21-July 20

Best Match:  Scorpio, Pisces

Poor Match:  Libra, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer


July 21-August 20

Best Match:  Sagittarius, Aries

Poor Match:  Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus


August 21-September 20

Best Match:  Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Poor Match:  Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini


September 21-October 21

Best Match:  Aquarius, Gemini and Libra

Poor Match:  Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo and Virgo


October 21-November 20

Best Match:  Pisces, Cancer

Poor Match:  Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio


November 21-December 20

Best Match:  Aries, Leo

Poor Match:  Pisces, Gemini and Virgo


December 21-January 20

Best Match:  Taurus, Virgo

Poor Match:  Aries, Cancer and Libra


January 21-February 20

Best Match:  Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Poor Match:  Taurus, Leo and Scorpio


February 21-March 20

Best Match:  Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

Poor Match:  Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius

Minggu, 26 September 2010

The Zodiac and Our Bodies

In astrology, each sign is identified with and exercises great influence on a specific part of our body. In fact, physicians and astrologers of 'old' incorporated this information to their diagnoses and some still do to this day. So here they are:

Aries: Head and face

Taurus:  Neck and throat

Gemini:  Arms, shoulders and nerves

Cancer:  Stomach, lungs and breasts

Leo:  Heart, back and spine

Virgo:  Stomach and intestines

Libra:  Kidneys

Scorpio:  Reproductive organs

Sagittarius:  Hips and thighs

Capicorn: Knees, joints and bones

Aquarius:  Ankles and circulation

Jumat, 24 September 2010

What the Heck is a 'Saturn Return' and Why All the Fuss About It?

  As defined by astrologers, the Saturn Return  signifies the time it takes for the planet Saturn to complete its orbit around the sun  and 'return' to the degree in which it occupied at the time of a person's birth.  This cycle takes approximately 29.5 years spending about 2.46 years in each sign of the zodiac. Therefore, a person at this age, would be entering his/her First Saturn Return and at age 28-30 and their Second Saturn Return at age 58-60.  Each "Return" coincides with an individual's passage from one life stage to the next making the 'Returns' of paramount importance when analyzing a person's chart or character.

The First Saturn Return, which happens by the age of 29 or 30, symbolizes the individual poised on the threshold of adulthood, independence, autonomy and self-realization. Hopefully, one has matured and is a functioning member of society who not only contributes to it but is successfully profiting from it, too.  At this age, one has embarked on a Life Path and is pursuing it.  One's 30th birthday is a cultural milestone as it highlights the embrace of mature responsibility and the demise of adolescence e.g., it's time to get serious.

By the time a person reaches 58 or 60 they are entering their Second Saturn Return which is hallmarked by more sobering concerns which might be encapsulated in  the questions "What's it all about?" or "Is that all there is?" As these questions suggest, at this age, we tend to look back on choices we've made and didn't make, roads we took and didn't take, and the opportunities passed over and the regrets we still harbor. This is a time for self-reflection and self-evaluation. It's a time to come to terms with one's self and one's life. It's all about asking one's self should I continue doing more of the same or should I try something different? What exactly do I want to do for the rest of my life?

With respect to the planet Saturn, astrologers associate it with the principles of limitation, restriction, boundaries, practicality and reality. Saturn dwells in the material world. It governes ambition, careers, authority and hierarchy and conforming to social norms.  According to the ancient Greeks, Saturn was identified with things which were dry and extremely cold, therefore an anathema to life. Remember that the god, Saturn, murdered his son by eating him out of jealousy and fear that he would usurp his authority.

Saturn is associated with the day Saturday and in numerology is associated with the number 8. In Chinese astrology, Saturn is ruled by the Earth and demonstrates patience, diligence and reliability. In Indian astrology, Saturn is called Shani and symbolizes career and longevity.  Paradoxically, it is also the harbinger of bad luck and hardship.

Information regarding the symbolism of Saturn adapted from Wikipedia.

Kamis, 23 September 2010

Thresholds, Gates and Doors: Everyday Liminal Spaces

I've long been intrigued by the concept of 'liminality'. I first learned of it from my former husband who had studied Anthropology at Princeton.  'Liminality' is derived from the Latin word 'limen', literally meaning 'a threshold' and the state of liminality is characterized by ambiguity, openness and indeterminacy.

 As the late, great British anthropologist Victor Turner describes it, during a lininal state, one's known sense of self and identity dissolves, bringing about disorientation. You are caught in an existential space whereby you are neither 'this nor that', 'neither/nor', and 'betwixt and between'. One stands poised on a precipice, not unlike standing on a threshold, ready to leave one space or identity and venture forth to occupy another. However, according to Arnold Van Gennep, the German ethnographer who coined the term 'rites of passage', liminality is a concept which has three very distinct and identifiable stages.  That is, Separation (the pre-liminal phase), a Liminal phase (transition) and post-liminal (reincorporation).   What is being described here is the process of 'transformation'.

One finds countless examples of liminality and rites of passage in every aspect of our culture from fairy tales to high school prom rituals to our eating habits to the holidays. In fact, it would be impossible to talk about our lives without talking about rituals.  We organize our lives around them.   Our lives would be void of meaning and intent without them. These public rituals are obvious and we engage in them every day of our lives usually without giving them a second thought. However, what interests me are the not so obvious ones. That is, those instances of liminality which we take for granted and simply walk through, almost unconsciously, not being mindful of their potential import.  

We don't have to be part of a public ritual, like a wedding or a college graduation, to be aware of the abundance of opportunities available to us for daily transformation. Something as simple and mundane as walking through a doorway or taking a shower at the start or end of the day offer us a chance to step inside that 'liminal' moment and reflect on what has transgressed before us and how we would best like to emerge in the future. It's an opportunity to bring purpose and intent to our daily lives and to answer the question "How can I be different from what I was before?"  It is this period of liminality which allows us to deconstruct, so to speak, and re-emerge transformed and transcended from our former selves. With respect to the Tarot, this is why those cards which depict gates and doors carry such profound meaning as they remind us of the need for renewal and growth, which can only be obtained by opening and walking through a doorway to a new reality. 


Rabu, 22 September 2010

Autumn Equinox: September 22

The astrological sign of Libra begins today on the Fall Equinox. The scales, Libra's astrological sign, represents a balance poised between light and dark.

The Equinox, be it Spring or Fall, is always a liminal time. It symbolizes a space in which we are hovering on a threshold about to transition from one state of being to another. Hence, the Equinox and all liminal spaces are moments of profound transformation.

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Hurricane Earl

'Earl' corresponds to the number '9' and '9' symbolizes exulted status as first explained by the ancient Chinese who associated the number with their Emperor.  The logic being that '9' is the largest, single digit before '10', hence a number lofty enough to be associated with his Highness.  '9" also represents 'endings' or 'finalities', so we can expect Earl to do some significant damage before it's finished.

And 'Earl' begins with the letter 'e' which corresponds to the number five which represents the most physical and most active of all the numbers. 'Es' are always in motion which is befitting a hurricane. In fact, '5' is ruled by the planet Mercury, who was the messenger of the Gods.

'Earl' ends with the letter 'l' and as my good friend the esteemed numerologist, Lucy Isaacs, reminds me 'ls' like to have the last word. Not a good sign when talking hurricanes.
The number '5' is also associated with the Emperor of China and the Tienanmen Gate which has 5 arches which is the main thoroughfare to the Forbidden City.

Finally, the Chinese associate the number '5 with their 5 elements which include water, wood, fire, earth and metal.