Senin, 22 Februari 2010

For Those of You Born on February 22...

If  today is your birthday, 2010 is a 9 year. 9s symbolize endings so be prepared to say adieu to a romance or a job or to that nasty cigarette habit. 9s are also associated with teachers and with teachings, so don't be surprized if you are the recipient of an important Life Lesson these next 12 months. In ancient China, the number 9 was associated with the Emperor as 9 is the greatest single-digit, hence the grandest befitting his status. In Christianity, 9 is the number most assoicated with mysticism (after 3) as it is the Trinity squared. With respect to the alphabet, I and R are your 9 letters.  If your name computes to 9 you are the altruists and the humanitarians of the Universe. As my wise mentor, Lucy, told me 9s give more than they get and it is their faith which carries through hardship and ordeal. They emit a compassionate and empathetic frequency. The number 9 corresponds to the Hermit of the Major Arcana in the Tarot. He symbolizes introspection and solitude. He often serves as a guide or teacher to initiates.He reminds us that unconscious revelation can only occur after contraction and self-examination.

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