Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Did She or Didsn't She? The Strange and Alluring Case of Amanda Knox

I don't know about you all, but the case of the 22 year old American student, Amanda Knox, who has been convicted by an Italian court along with her boyfriend of murdering her roommate, Meredith Kercher, intrigues me.  The case has evolved into quite the imbroglio what with lurid Italian headlines and a colorful and somewhat shady Italian prosecutor, not to mention the violence of the crime itself and at the centerpiece of it all is the defendant herself,  appearing angelic while remaining  somewhat enigmatic and elusive. What's anyone to make of it all?  Although Knox is in fact in prison for the crime, many people believe she is innocent and has been unfairly treated by the Italian press and legal system.They contest that the evidence is at best sketchy and conflicting. Consequently, there have been hypotheses, theories and speculations ad nauseam about what really happened that night Meredith Kercher was murdered.  For many, it has  remained a mystery. And I'm as dumbfounded as the next person. I have no sense if this young woman is innocent or guilty.  However, the relationship between these two women, Amanda and Meredith, interests me. The fact of the matter is that innocent or guilty, Fate has deemed it so that Amanda Knox will forever remain connected in life and in death with Meredith Kercher. So let's take a look at their numbers and letters.

As always, the first thing I look for when doing a reading for two or more people is to see if they share any letters and amazingly Amanda Knox and Meredith Kercher have no letters in common except for the letter 'k' which is the first letter of their respective last names. And this absence of any shared letters tells us a lot e.g., these two women were not emotionally compatible. If one didn't look any further, one might surmise that their relationship was tenuous at best but for one glaring clue.  They share the letter 'k' which is a pretty heavy letter to share if you're going to share a letter. So, what do we know about 'k'? For starters, it's one of the two master letters of the alphabet, with 'v' being the other. The letter 'k' pops up in all sorts of places in our language and culture. 

- K is slang for a thousand dollars (it's a cardinal number that is the product of ten and one hundred).

-K 2 is the symbol for the element potassium.

-K is the 'street' name for Ketamine, a general anesthetic and tranquilizer.

-K refers to a strikeout in baseball.

-OK refers to everything is fine or cool

-KO refers to a knock-out in boxing.

'K' is also the eleventh letter of the alphabet and 11 symbolizes the visionary or the enlightened.  These are people (that is,  those people with a  in their name) that are not vested in the material world. Their goal is to illuminate others and express their ideals. They are most comfortable remaining in a spiritual realm. However, if expressed negatively an '11s' traits may include a manipulative or deceptive character which,(think a deranged preacher or demagogue) in the case of Amanda would make sense if in fact she is guilty, but would not apply to Meredith. I can't comment on Meredith as I know nothing about her other than she was a British student studying in Italy and was Amanda's roommate.

But the real attention grabber is that the letter 'k' corresponds to the eleventh card of  the Major Arcana of the tarot which just happens to be the card of Justice. Of all the twenty-six letters in the alphabet that these two women might have shared and of all the twenty-two cards in the Major Arcana that they might have had in common,  it is the card symbolizing Justice that binds them together.

There she sits upon her throne, having first sat for the ancient Greeks who worshipped her as Titaness Themis who delivered oracles at Delphi, with her iconic scales in one hand and her sword of justice in the other. Coincidence, or some kind of psychic or spiritual overlap?  Does the card's appearance which overshadows both Amanda's and Meredith's fate signify a fait accompli?  That is, was this sequence of events involving the two of them just waiting to unfold to its denouement? How much can one attribute to Chance or was this an event between the two of them destined to occur because somewhere it was written.

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