Kamis, 04 November 2010

Cherry Vanilla: 60s Icon Pens Her Autobiography "Lick Me"

Cherry Vanilla, nee Kathleen Dorritie, the American singer-song writer, actress and publicist celebre has just published her memoir "Lick Me". Cherry was David Bowie's publicist and is currently a publicist for Vangelis. She is also known for her association with Andy Warhol, having appeared in his play "Pork" in which she played a necrophiliac nurse (precursor to Richard Prince?).

In doing Cherry's numbers, the number 4 dominates.  Her first name "Kathleen" corresponds to a 4 and her full name corresponds to a 4, as well.  Her last name "Dorrite" is an 8 which is, of course, 4 doubled.

It might appear something of a paradox that such a free and irreverent spirit as Cherry would have 4 as her significant number as 4s are the worker bees of the Universe and are usually thought of as traditional and conservative.  But outward appearances can be deceiving. Beneath all that outrageousness is a tough, determined and focused woman. And as a Libra (10/16/1943), she's mastered the art of maintaining her cool and and her head during any storm she may have encountered and, I imagine, she's encountered her fair share of those. No one gets a free ride.  That's for sure.

I drew 4 tarot cards for Cherry, as 4 is her number, and the first card I picked was the Ace of Cups. Anytime you draw an ace it's always propitious and reflects "the best of the best". The Ace of Cups can literally be interpreted as "your cup runneth over". It represents abundance and plenty, which Cherry is obviously enjoying since the publication of her book.

The next card I picked was Judgement, the 20th card in the Major Tarot.  My hunch is that Cherry will be called upon to make a decision about a pretty important matter sometime soon. It won't necessarily be a legal issue. Rather, it's going to involve herself and two other people, probably friends, which is going to test her emotional and moral mettle.

The third pick was the Two of Wands, which depicts a man holding a globe looking off into the distance.  This card symbolizes having the "whole world in the palm of your hand".   You've arrived and hit the jackpot. An enviable position, indeed, and one in which Cherry now finds herself poised.  However, because the man is peering out into the distance, it also symbolizes questions about one's future.What exactly is my next step?  Where am I headed? Will I know the way?  Questions which can elicit anxiety and uncertainty.

The fourth card was the Six of Swords. This powerful and provocative image of  two figures seated side by side in a boat, being ferried across a body of water by a man standing at the stern behind them, always refers to a journey.  It may imply a physical trip or to an internal "journey" of either mind or spirit. However, one caveat.  There will be some pain associated with this new trip as the start of something simultaneously heralds the end of something and endings are always sad.

With respect to 2011, it will be a 3 year for Cherry. As 3 is the number most associated with writers and poets, she should find herself doing more writing and publishing. Perhaps the screenplay of her book?

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