This is a wonderful card. Aces always symbolize what is best in a suit. As such, this ace represents all the exulted qualities associated with Cups which include love and emotion. . As the card depicts, your cup "runneth" over with their power. When you deal in Cups, you delve into the realm of feelings and the miracle of love.
In a reading consider the following questions:
-Are you leading with your heart and allowing it to shine?
-Are you comfortable with your feelings?
-What great gift is being "handed" to you?
-Are you able to accept love?
-Are you a compassionate person?
-Do you trust your feelings? Can you trust your "gut"?
-Are you okay with "forgive and forget" or do you hold on to grudges?
-Are you feeling guilty about something and feel the need for absolution?
-Have you been trying to "wash away" your "sins"?
-What is your heart's desire?
-Are your emotions flowing freely?
-If your cup were to empty would you know how to replenish it?
-As there been a time in your life when your cup was empty?
-What or who has consoled you in time of need?
Amy bows low at the feet of all her holy teachers
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