Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Four of Swords

When you draw the Four of Swords think "repose", "contraction", "inertia", "rest", "passivity". It's an invitation for you to step back and "consider", "contemplate" and apply the brakes. "Swords" signify mental activity and cognition. All things intellect.  The message here is that new ideas emanate from a fresh and unfetterd mind. Remember that we do our best thinking when we dream. It's a paradox.

Questions for the querent:

-Do you allow for "time taking time"?

-Are you on overdrive?

-Can you recognize when you need to hit the pause button?

-Are you so busy taking care of others that you make no time to take care of yourself?

-Are you mentally exhausted?

-Do you meditate?

-Is it difficult for you to slow down?

-Are you a Type A personality?

-How would you have to be different in order to pull back and relax?

Amy bows low at the feet of all her holy teachers.

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